Review for Audition time again

Audition time again

(#) Cookie_monster 2012-06-18

name: Hozzie (Hollie) Nicole Bareham
age: 15 but change if yew need to :L
appearance: Dark brown hair with purple streaks, shoulder-length, straight, full-fringe. Blue eyes. Pale skin. Small for age. Long nails that people always are fake but are not currently painted pink, neon yellow, red, white and purple from thumb to little finger. Size 6 feet. Never wears make-up unless she can be bothered (hardly ever) and then it's only eye-liner and mascara.
if you had to be killed off, how?: Uhh I'm so bad at thinking of these :L In my sleep I guess?
qwirks: Always wears odd socks, switches off any plugs that are switched on with nothing plugged in, hates horror movies except for the film Orphan, insects scare her.

Can I be Gerard's sister please? :)

Love Hozzie