Review for The Bass Files: Parallel Universe

The Bass Files: Parallel Universe

(#) LOVELA 2006-10-30

Patrick is still cute in this parallel universe just for the fact that he said "Neato." Andy is definitely more likeable in the parallel universe as well. It's nice to have an optimist around. And Joe..well Joe is still Joe.

Again, I wish I had a parallel universe to escape to! LOVEIT!

Author's response

Neato is pretty neat. Over the period of the last few weeks I´ve grown to cease to be jealous of optimists and have become one myself. So Andy´s quite alright to me. Hey! Move to Vienna, we´ll hang out! (That´s a slightly changed MxPx quote. Just to not get sued.) And, by the way, what are you doing reviewing here?* GET BACK TO WRITING YOUR NEXT CHAPTER! ;)

* Please don´t stop reviewing though. (It´s so on, ladies, footnotes in review responses!)