Review for Audition of sorts...

Audition of sorts...

(#) KilljoyKid 2012-06-30

Name: Union Jack

Age: 14

Gender: Female.


Hair: blonde, curly, really long
Eyes: Blue as the sky on a sunny day with really long eyelashes
Other: she's tan, thin, tall. she has a snubby, turned up nose and freckles.

Killjoy outfit: white shorts, dark blue leggings and white knee high converse, tank top with the American flag

Personality: curious, mischievious, devious but not in a bad way, friendly, inquisitive, loud, bubbly

How they get along with the others: She loves them and they love her, but they can get tired of her endless chattering and questions. She looks to Poison kind of as a father figure and Ghoul as a best friend to do stupid things with like jump off the roof of the diner and such

Anything else: She may be 14 but she acts like an eight year old sometimes. She doesn't like standing still, and is in the habit of standing on one foot with her arms crossed behind her back. She's really, really giggly, especially at the boys.