Review for Wrong Number

Wrong Number

(#) ReddyDevil 2012-07-24

Ugh, that's horrible! Poor cat. :( even though I'm more of a dog person (cough cough Yankee).

I agree with Christian - I hate Benjamin, even though it's kinda hard to take me seriously because I think of my own Ben... XD But I was with Jon! I was literally about to try and jump through the screen to castrate and torture (and believe me, I know all about torture; I wrote a story on Elizabeth Bathory for English last term, and boy, was she sadistic! And um.. I may have also gone over the 1k word limit with my 24 paged (that was double line spaced though, may I add), 6 1/2 k story... XD Whoops.) the bastard! Like, there must be some universal law that says someone as shitty a human being like him is not allowed to live. And if there isn't, well, I've just invented one.

And on a totally non-story related subject... The Amity Affliction has a new song out! 'Chasing Ghosts' it's called. I love it. Another narritive about how suicide is not the answer and how if you do make the decision, that's it - you can't come back, but it's so good. :3 They've got a new album coming out September too. Dunno if you wanted to know that, but oh well.


Author's response

Hehehe. (Uh-um... yeah, I hope to hell and back that nothing bad happens to Yankee BTW- that would kill me. Just sayin'.)

Haha, oh and I so want to know more about him! I can't wait! He's obviously a no-no in Spencer's mind!
(Bathing in Benjamin's blood isn't such a bad idea but unlike virgins there is nothing pure about him. Wow though, impressive essay.)
I like it. Can we implement that immediately? It would make the word a better place.

O.o I will go check it out ASAP! I love how they put suicide... just the words are perfect, you know? I really do love them. I've already got 'em on my computer.
I'll keep an eye out for it! September seems forever away though! =/

I will! :D Thanks for the awesome review, like usual.

*make the worLd a better place, not word. (Freakin' typos)