Review for Dear Lord Its A New Comer

Dear Lord Its A New Comer

(#) XxSearchAndDestroyxX 2012-08-02

Helllllooooo! Welcome to the Lovely site where you may now no longer anonymously fangirl over stories. As a gift, I give you a mini mcr for you to have many fan-gasms over.

Im Kyra =D a ruler of none I'm afraid. Its nice to meet you though. And hope to see any and everything you might write.

Here have a Sadistic!Gerard. It makes the world spin multiple times on its axis. =D

Author's response

Thank youu cos i fangirl a LOOOOOOOOTTT :L like a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot ^__^

Hiii kyraaa, im writing something rightttt nowww as we speak cos im like so god damn borrrrrred le sigh

Sadistic Gerard is something i've always wanted ;)