Review for Auditions Wanted!

Auditions Wanted!

(#) mynerdyromance 2012-08-09

Name: Natalia Glinka
Nickname: Nat, but generally prefers Natalia.
Age (please be realistic a criminal boss isn't going to be seventeen.): 25, but change it if that doesn't work.
Personality: Outspoken, witty, has a very dry sense of humor, assertive, a bit neurotic.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair colour: Dark brown.
Hair style: Straight, a bit above shoulder length. Usually I just curl my bangs and the ends of my hair.
Body (figure, facial description, ect): 5'6", 110 pounds. Has slight curves. Average size bust.
Scars: A small one on my hand from when I accidentally cut myself while trying to chop vegetables.
Tattoos/piercings: Ears pierced once, no tattoos.
Clothes: Mostly vintage clothes, especially stuff from the 1940s or 1950s.
Likes: Reading, sweets, rain, computers.
Dislikes: Getting up early, large flocks of birds (It's a long story, but I'm terrified of them.), the word 'nother', as in; "That's a whole 'nother story."
Sexuality: Straight.
Backstory: Born in a small town in Northwestern Russia, and lived there until I was seven, when my parents moved to Fairbanks, Alaska.
How and why did you get involved I'm crime or the FBI? ?? Dad was an FBI agent, just followed in his footsteps.
Fears: Like I said, large flocks of birds. Also, the dark and escalators. (Another long story.)
Part: Frank's girlfriend, please.
Other info: Not that I can think of.

Hope you like it!