Review for Personalized Stories

Personalized Stories

(#) tmbfucks 2012-08-23

You my friend, are awesome! XD

Name: Penina Dayne

Killjoy name (if you want a Killjoy one-shot): Mythomania Danger

Age: 15

Your character's looks and personality: Same as my last one

Your character's dislikes and likes: Same as my last one

Band(s) you want: My Chemical Romance

Genre of one-shot you would like: Romance drama and humour

Plotline: I'm a killjoy out in the zones trying to kill some dracs, and as I'm backing up pointing my gun my back hits something squidgy, so me and Frank turn around at each other in fright and we point our guns at one another, but after talking we realise we have a lot in common and he takes me back to where they live and we kiss! Yay! Kisses! XD

Pairings (optional): Fun Ghoul and Mythomania Danger

Thank you so much! XD xx