Review for Auditions (again.....)

Auditions (again.....)

(#) atomickilljoy 2012-10-01

Name: Aaron
last name: Doran
age: 16
part: Jock
looks (below)
eyes: blue
hair: Short, blond
body/weight/height: he's the jock body type, maybe slightly smaller, 180 pounds 5'8 ft
cloths: T shirts with really lame designs on it, jeans, sneakers and his varsity jacket
tattoo's/piercings: nope
Personality: tries to be the clown, he always makes fun of the nerds, he's known Jennifer since the 6th grade, and he hates her and makes her life hell. He makes fun of the nerds a lot. A bit of an air head.
likes: bullying, football, and his family.
dislikes: The nerds and books
fears: Closed spaces and being unpopular