Review for Hey there!

Hey there!

(#) Mirazal 2012-10-19

"No I will not be your gay best friend"
That was really funny to me. Idk why but I lol'd.

Okay, hi Finn, hi. You seem pretty awesome... you play bass? Sam41 does. You might see her around here.

You're friends with Ally? She is an excellent writer. I really like her.

I'm short, too. Don't worry. You're not in this alone

You like good music. I approve. MIRANDA APPROVES you are now not a peasant to me.

OMG DANOSAUR have you ever heard of Christian Novelli? He's, like, my favorite person right now.

So a few of us FicWad peeps like Adventure Time as well. LaurentheHuman, obviously. She's my soulmate, so be nice to her.

Well I don't know what else to say but good luck with your writing endeavors, and now that you have an account I'm gonna secretly judge you too. o_o

Author's response

Girls at my school always want me to be their friend, it's really offensive :[
Thanks!! Ally never let me read her work, now I can and she can't stop me XD. I like Christian Novelli, he's cute. Adventure Time is great!! I'll be nice to her don't worry :3 I will judge you too!!