Review for Problems


(#) ohheyitsscissortime 2012-11-01

My motto is "fuck the haters, fuck the critics, and fuck anyone who says you can't do it" and it applies here. AJ, I know you don't know me other than for my fics, and I don't know you personally, but if it's what you want, than go for it. Don't make the same mistake I did. I wanted to be in a rock band too once upon a time, but I let the haters drag me down and now I've got a boring-ass job, and I want out, but I can't. Don't make that mistake, AJ. Believe in yourself, like I believe in you.

xoxo Catrina

Author's response

That touched me in here -points to crouch-
Wait! Sorry.
Here -points to heart-
It's very comforting to know that someone believes in me. It's a big help.

I get really nervous and worried all the time, but knowing that someone believes in me makes me want to try harder.
I can't guarantee that I'll succeed, but I can guarantee that I won't stop trying. Thanks :)