Review for Auditions


(#) Mirazal 2012-11-01

Okay, I'mma add to my audition, because it lacks a ton of detail.

Part: Criminal
Age (25 and up): 25
Name: Miranda Zaran
Political party: Ronnie Radke (okay, well, I really have no party. I just think that Ronnie's presidential themed AP magazine cover was awesome. And I would vote for him. Derrrrr WHO WOULDN'T)
Gender: space alien. JK boobs
State you represent: umm Texas, yee haw (well, from Texas)
Hair (Nothing too crazy, this is politics): short, black, unevenly cut, choppy bangs
Appearance: Short, small, olive skinned, always smiling, large black eyes, really skinny (kind of skeletal), slanted eyebrows
Degree in school (What school, what did/do you study): studied psychology at Columbia University (omg my cousin goes there COINCIDENCE) for two years, but dropped out
Anything else?: got into drugs (heh heh heh because reasons)- okay, well it was probably from her new asshole boyfriend, and she got addicted. eventually resorted to theft and mugging and such for drug money- she went to jail for a while, but then she started shooting up again, and basically got involved with really domestic crimes, like shootings, robberies, the works
Thoughts or suggestions?: er.... yeah....