Review for Problems


(#) xxMikeyxx 2012-11-02

This is what I have to say:
I personally have the same problem when I comes to writing songs when composing. But I know you will compose an amazing song.
Screw anyone who hates your music, love those who love it. I have a feeling you will produce awesome music.
If you think your songs are rubbish don't think that, If they mean something that's all that matters. When I write a song I make the lyrics mean something to me, if anyone else thinks they're crap I won't give a shit cause the lyrics mean something to me.
I've been trying to self teach myself guitar really badly but one day I'll be good so you can hire me and I can kinda play keyboard as well.
I'll tell you something, I want to be in a band for one reason, I wanna be famous cause I wanna prove to all the bitches that have put me down in my life I am not worthless, I can do something and music is my life, and I am not gonna let anyone take that away from me.
So that's what I have to say, if you meet Mikey Way in the future set him up with me =)

Author's response

Thanks so much for saying that about me.
Maybe I will end up hiring you!
Me too. I want to do exactly that. Prove everyone wrong, and also give kids someone awesome to look up to.
If you're in a different band than me, and you meet Bob Bryar, set him up with me XD