Review for Problems


(#) LaurentheHuman 2012-11-02

cue inspirational music

I know how you feel. Yanno, dreaming something big and fearing for the worst. But you can do it AJ. I know you can. Look at you! You're already writing songs, getting a guitar, and most of all you want to do it. It's obvious you can do this.
Because I know you can make it, you can't ever give up. Don't settle for some shitty office job. Don't let your dreams go to waste. I believe in you, AJ. You can't give up. If not for yourself, then for me, for the kids here on ficwad, and for all the kids out there who need someone. Stay strong, my little rockstar. I can't wait to hear your band one day.

Author's response

I really do want to.
I won't give up! Much less settle for an office job. You're right. I should keep trying, for all of the kids like us.
I can't wait to see you in the crowd one day.
Thanks so much :D