Review for She Always Gets What She Wants

She Always Gets What She Wants

(#) Poppana 2012-11-24

It's really a great thing Frank and Brittany had a fight. Like, seriously. It means they will probably have angry make up sex later. I like that in a relationship. And to those two I would just like to say: fight all you want, you can't deny the fact that you're in love. That's right, you dumb fucks. You're in such deep messy love pit that you can't even handle it.

Mirazal's thing up there ^ makes me happy because unicorns and also because it fits. Kind of :D It's funny. Kudos.

You know that thing when you're watching horror movies and the characters are being so dumb and you just want to scream at them 'DON'T FOLLOW THAT BLOODY TRAIL THAT LEADS INTO A DARK BASEMENT YOU SICK BASTARD YOU'LL GET KILLED'?? That's kind of how I feel reading this story :D In a totally good way, though. I love it that those two are so in love with each other but they both deny it because of some simple reason like years of despising each other or some shit... But at the same time I just want to kick them both in the nuts (and female nuts). You know?

In conclusion, I rather enjoyed this chapter. It was intense.

And Amy needs to drown in a pool of acid for flirting so shamelessly with Frank.