Review for Auditions CLOSED

Auditions CLOSED

(#) PartyPoisen 2012-11-26

Name: Aven
Nick name: Ava. Ave.
Age: 15
Personality: serious but playful. Talkative.
Eyes: Blue gray
Hair color: jet black. Dyed blue fringe.
Hair style: straight shoulder length. Usually in pig tails or pony tail.
Body: a little chubby but not over weight.
Piercings: left lower lip. Ears. And nose stud.
Clothes: black/gray skinny jeans. White tank top. Pink and white thin coat.
Likes: drawing. Singing. Playing bass. A adrenaline junkie.
Dislikes: the quiet. Mornings. The sun.
Fears: needles (piercing were hard to get without crying.). Heights.
Anything else: loves to face fears.