Review for Auditions


(#) AshIsNotOnFire 2012-12-01

Name: Samantha Alexandria Baker/whatever Frank's girlfriend's last name is.
Nickname: Sam, Sam-o, Mini-Dany Worsnop
Part: Frank's girlfriend's little sister!
Age: 16
Looks: Hazel eyes, with a dark chocolate brown ring round the pupil. Dark brown hair, with blonde streaks running throughout. Pale, short.
Likes: Asking Alexandria, lyrics, her secret tattoo, singing, playing guitar.
Dislikes: People bashing her music, bullies, being told what to do.
Fears: Losing her family, clowns, Nicki Minaj.
Anything Else: She has a small, secret tattoo of the words "when I'm on my own, I know I'm not alone". They're Asking Alexandria lyrics :3 she got them from a friend, but didn't tell anyone. Maybe Frank or someone finds out and flips out?