Review for I'll Never Let Them Hurt You, I Promise

I'll Never Let Them Hurt You, I Promise

(#) tmbfucks 2012-12-10

EEEPP!!! This is so good! I loved it so much. Remember Hozzie, NO!!! No penis my biro! Your penis why are you a boy mirror in the sun, and leg areas sir, 1 girl place ice-cream. I'm happy in a London and scribble friends because non drunk fiction. You're welcome. Haha. And I'll write you a oneshot, but it might not be up until tomorrow or Wednesday. Send me the plot though, unless you want me to make one up. :D xx

Author's response

Same as what I said to Mia please? :)

Also, I'm probably just gonna cheat :L I feel kinda bad but it's the only way this point 3:

Love Hozzie