Review for Do you want a Christmas one-shot?:)

Do you want a Christmas one-shot?:)

(#) Sam41 2012-12-16

Sure why not
Name: Sam Wesley Alexx
Nickname: Alexx
Age: 17
Looks: Black hair with neon red streaks, the style looks exactly like Joan Jetts (seriously, minus the red it looks exactly the same), silver blue eyes with a slight green tint, small figured but still has curves, about 5"5 and 120 pounds
Likes: Music, drawing, being weird
Dislikes: Whores, bitches, preps
Plot: Errr how about she's new-ish in town (been there for a month and a half) and one of the MCR boys invites her to this party. The party goes on and blah blah blah, they start playing truth or dare and she gets dared into like a 7 minutes in heaven thing with MCR boy from earlier, and boom whatever ending fits
Ten Facts About Yourself:
-I play bass
-I am awkward as a turtle
-I am really outgoing
-I have an obsession with Coke Zero
-I still count on my fingers while doing simple math problems
-I have low self-esteem and have no confidence in myself
-I am not at all girly
-I dress and act how I want and don't give a fuck about what anyone thinks
-I memorize song lyrics and band quotes faster than school work
-I draw nearly everyday
-I live for being original in my looks (hair, clothes, etc.)

Author's response

Would it be a Christmas party or just an average party? :3 Either way I can write it so thanks :D

Love Hozzie