Review for Auditions...Again!


(#) Cookie_monster 2012-12-28

Name: Hollie Nicole Way
Nickname: Hozzie, HozDog
Age: 5 :)
Part and backup: Gerard + Mikey's little sister please :) Or if not then Frank's little sister :')
Personality: Shy. Gullible. Friendly. Timid. Smart. Creative. Funny. Crybaby.
Hair- Waist-length, black, straight but curly towards the bottom.
Eyes- Bright blue
Skin- Pale white
Family life(Not too intense. These one shots are supposed to be comedic.) She relies on Gerard a lot because she's scared of pretty much everything. Mikey teases her but Gerard sticks up for her :3
Anything Else: Scared of the dark and of strangers :3

Hope this was okay! :)

Love Hozzie