Review for Auditions


(#) ReturnFromTheAshes 2013-01-02


Part: Eponine please!
Name: Sara Tenndent
Age (21+): 22
Appearance (Split for detail.):
Hair style and color: long curly black hair, usually up in a French braid
Eye color (You can also include shape if you want.): light blue
Skin tone: pale
Figure (Short, tall, thin, chubby, etc.): average height, thin with curves
Clothing (The character based on Javert will be in a uniform, so this part doesn't need to be filled out if that's the part you want. Also, note that the other characters are fairly poor, so nothing too fancy.): a long blue dress kinda like Bell's in the animated beauty and the beast , flats and a white rose in her hair
Personality: confident, isn't afraid to speak her mind, caring, stubborn but nice

I fucking love'd the book! I would really like the part!