Review for Ideas and Other Random Things

Ideas and Other Random Things

(#) cj_warner94 2013-02-17

Bdsm yay or nay?

If you had a baby girl what would you name her?

Baby boy?

Favourite MCR song?

Favourite lyric?

Frank and Gerard, a banana, some honey and a trampoline, you in or out?

If I showed up at your house with a nappy on, wings and a heart bow and arrow who would I shoot at for you?

Author's response

Yay, I guess?

Rikke or Alexis.


Early Sunsets Over Monroeville.

From an MCR song? "Oh, how wrong we were to think that immortality meant never dying"
From any song, it'd be "There's no blame for how our love did slowly fade and now that it's gone it's like it wasn't there at all" from Title and Registration by Death Cab for Cutie.


Just one person? Uhm... Don't judge, but Katie McGrath :p