Review for I need your help omg

I need your help omg

(#) lolalifesux 2013-02-20

It's a pretty random selection at the mo. There's basic plots, a lot of vampires and a canny few on tour's. If you're thinking of writing, there's no 'in crowd' of fics. Just go with what you want.

Glad you're back btw :') You kinda went of my radar


Author's response

I love all of these vampire fics woop woop. I miss writing, I just had a long getting myself back together period so didn't really have the brain space to do it. THANK YOU OMG I'M GLAD TO BE BACK XO The tumblr kids don't do it like you guys.
I may write, If I do I may just continue with my own little poo killjoy fic, even if no one else reads it.
Thank you for your help c: