Review for Auditions? Really? REALLY!? YES REALLY!

Auditions? Really? REALLY!? YES REALLY!

(#) xXchickenwithatacoXx 2013-02-23

Name: Mia Cassem

Nickname: Kitty I go by that.

Age(16-20): 17

Birthday (day and month only): 05, 12

Part (if Random person than please include gender): Jon's girlfriend please c:


Piercings/Tattoos: none

Scars/Birthmarks/etc: burn scars on my left arm

Clothing style: Emo/cute/punk

Stage Outfit (only if you're auditioning for Brendon's fiance): -

Personality: sweet when I want to be, like a kitten pretty much, talkative, bubbly, easily annoyed, cuddly, hyper, a prankster, a bit childish

Fears: Heights

Family: Parents, and older sister and twin brother

Back story: I'm adopted from Guatemala, been in a mental hospital twice when I was fifteen. Used to be an actress in LA when I was 10-12.

How do they act around Brendon: Like an annoying little sister- we fight a lot but only jokingly.

How do they act around Jon: Cuddly, funny, hopeless romantic, like a kitten

How do they act around Ryan: Shy, quiet, awkward

How do they act around Spencer: He's like an older brother to me

Anything else you find useful to tell me: Nahup. :3