Review for Hi... I'm Lennie

Hi... I'm Lennie

(#) MysteriousRider 2013-02-25

Hi I'm Mason and I am the soon to be eighteen year old gay weirdo.

I love Gee as well but in the Danger Days era. Mmmmm... red hair looks good on him. I also love Ray. Who wouldn't? He has awesome hair.

One Direction and Justin Bieber make me scream with terror. Music has gone low lately. And I hate rap "music" because all it is, is a bunch of people talking to music played in the back. And they talk about only sex, drugs and other shit. I only like rap if it has meaning to it, like Eminem

Oh my gosh I rambled. Okay, I'm going now to kill Dracs for fun since I'm a killjoy (hehe... see what I did there?)


Author's response

I agree with the red hair and I even more agree with you about the music industry (especially the eminem part)
and have fun killing dracs and whats your killjoy name? (if you have one):)