Review for AUDITIONS!!!


(#) intoyouricyblues 2013-03-02

Name: Ari O'Rourke

Age: 14 but you can change it.

Part in the band (either drummer, lead guitar, bass or singer): bass guitar, please. c:

Looks (eg, hair, eye color, clothes your character wears ect pictures would be good too so i can get a visual of what your character looks like saves you time describing too :)): big dark navy eyes, choppy magenta hair with a full fringe, extremely small, slender. Wears cute Steampunk clothes.

Tattoo's piercings: snakebites

Personality: shy, quirky, sweet when I like being sweet, bubbly, childish, easily scared, like the baby sister of the group

How do you feel about the possibility of it being the 'end of the world'?: I'm freaking out and so scared.

Backstory (let me get to know your character!): I was separated from my older brother Miles during the start of the 'end of the world', was in a mental hospital recently.