(#) lolalifesux 2013-03-10

Name: Lottie Anderson

Killjoy name: Toxic Hearted Sky

Age: 15

Part: Killjoy M W A H

Sexual Preference: Pansexual

Hair colour/style: Medium length, red, side parting and weird long fringe

Height/weight: 5 foot 3, 11 stone (GAH I WISH I DIDNT HAVE TO PUT THIS BUT W/E)

Eyes colour/shape: Almond shape, green-y kinda yellow thing goin on.

Make up: Simple eyeliner and idk if it counts but purple nails.

Scars: One close to the middle of my neck and a load on my thighs and arms..

Tattoos: Lower half sleeve on my left arm with most importantly an old abandoned ship and the name 'Io'.

Piercings: Bottom left lip (ring), cartilage twice on left ear. Normal ear piercings

Mask: Black with a shit load of purple swirls. (to put it simply)

Jacket: Leather, painted in silver 'KID FROM YESTERDAY' down the left arm and a 'The Bouncing Souls' patch stitched on the front. Logo on the back (kinda like party poison's)

Logo/symbol: (Shit, making this up on the spot because I don't like my old one) 'Toxic' green circle, the letters 'THS' written through the center in purple.

Trousers: Black Criminal Damage skinny jeans with white skeleton hand on the pockets.

Shoes: Gray buckled up boots.

Ray gun colour/style: Purple base with black side stripe, battered .45 style

How would you react to a celebrity?: 'ACT NATURAL' 'THAT'S NOT NATURAL.' Actually I'd probably be alright, generally just ask them if they're okay.

Why are you a killjoy?: I'm against captivity issues in Battery City, I fight for freedom and I didn't put up with the bullshit that BL/ind tried to give me.

What are your feelings on BLI?: Because they KILLED MY MOTHER FUCKING FAMILY. Bitchez goin' down.

Any siblings or family?: One brother, mum and dad. All dead.

(Detailed) Back story: Cali, I'd just moved there with my parents and 5 year old brother. And everything was going great. Until after school, I was 14 and I came home to find my family dead in the living room. After days of crying and begging for someone to bring them back, I gave up and backed my bags. Well, a bag...

I spent a while on the streets and became aware of BL/ind. And that's when I became a killjoy and got out of Battery. (I stole a purple Ducati monster bitches.)

Since then, I've been alone, and never really talked to anyone unless it's to trade or something. I live mainly in Zone 6, I have a teeny hide out over there but I go from place to place.

Thanks for the chance to audition and stuff :'D Looking forward to reading your new story :)
