Review for Week 1

Week 1

(#) Poppana 2013-03-26

This sounds like fun! What the hell, I'm in.

I do have a question, though. Will all the "theme" thingys be like, words? Like now it's two words as a prompt? Or will it vary from week to week, like, at some point will it be a song or a sentence or a photo or...?
Ah, and another question. Is it really a weekly thing? You say there's no deadline yet, but it's Week 1, so does it need to be posted within the week, and next week there's already a new thing?

Also I know you said to send questions to email or FB or whatever, so, sorry, I hope it's ok that I'm asking here. I hope I'm not being too much of a bother, I tend to do that.

Author's response

No, you're certainly not a bother by taking part!:P
But in answer to your questions, the 'theme' will vary. This week it's comedy and teenagers, another week it might be a song lyric, it really could be anything as we don't want to limit anything, and feel that we should have themes that can be interpreted in different ways so that we get lots of different and interesting fics.

The only reason there is no deadline set yet is because this is the first week and we'd like to gain interest before setting any deadlines, but once you have written your masterpiece, you can send it to either:

Facebook (one of us will be online almost 24/7)

Tumblr (checked every day)

or our email

Thanks for your reading and review, and if you have any further questions due to myself being an illiterate moron, I will be manning the Facebook page for at least the next half an hour! :)