Review for Revenge Artist

Revenge Artist

(#) monstrice901 2013-03-30

Because I'm an idiot, I ignored the AN saying to check back to the previous chapter, so got very confused. To be honest though, I do think it's better without the ending to that chapter - as much as I may have agreed with King's rant, it was unfeasible that he could have pulled that off and got away.

Loving the new chapter as of yet, and I really want to find out more about King! He's deranged and it's brilliant - he's really detached in this chapter, but in the previous one he was getting all riled up and passionate about his killing.

I cannot wait to see how this develops, so pleaseplease update soon!


(P.S. Completely random, but I thought I'd throw this in there, but when you mentioned 'Matt', I was picturing Matt Tuck from BFMV)

Author's response

Ah I'm really glad you think the first chapter is better now. I felt like the ending was just over doing it a bit too... just filling up the word count which is something I'm trying to stop myself from doing :')
King is certainly shaping up to become one of my favourite original characters, I can't wait to see how he develops too since... I don't even know myself :')
Haha when I picked Matt as a name I did automatically think about Matt Sanders but sadly he wont be featuring in this xD