Review for Introductory Q&A!

Introductory Q&A!

(#) XKilljoyParadeX 2013-04-10

Hello! Welcome to Ficwad by the way,

I can't think of any more questions ^^ those are pretty good haha umm..

-Are you going to be writing on the site or just hanging out?

-Have you ever written anything before?

-Do you like art?

-How old are you?

-If you do like MCR what is your favourite song/album?

-Do you have Tumblr?

have fun answering.. :3

~Blondie x

Author's response

1. For now I'm just hanging out.

2. Yes I have, a bit too personal to put up here though for now. :)

3. Some forms, yes.

4. I will be 16 in June!

5. My fave album is Revenge and my fave song is I'm Not Okay!

6. I do not. :(