(#) Cateagle 2013-06-23

Very nice chapter, though I admit I'm looking forward to when Lucius and company attack a new magical family on Candyfloss Lane and run into the full spectrum of Harry's defenses. And they think nasty and over-powered wards as bad?

I'm definitely enjoying the story and looking forward to the next installment.

I did enjoy the way Harry introduced himself to Hermione and took firm steps to help her and dampen the enthusiastic destruction tendencies of those bullying her; I figure any of them stupid enough to keep trying will win Darwin awards.

Author's response

Heya Cat!

Basically, yeah, but my methodology is going to be a bit different. The wards were simply precautions, because after a thousand years, Harry is rather paranoid. Not to fear, Harry is a hands-on kind of guy. Lucy won’t be there, of course, because he’s a ‘legitimate bidnessman’, and would never do something so disagreeable…however, he’ll be easily tied into the attacks.

Harry/Hermione: Yeah, I figured they’d need something fun to do, and introducing magic in such a fashion would be much better accepted tham a dour professor explaing that magic is indeed real and the children will learn all about it in a school the parents will never see.

I know I would never send my daughter to a school like that, that’s for damn sure!

Bullies. I’ve said it before, and I’ll likely say it again. A bully will not stop until he is stopped…usually by knocking him on his ass. A small child using a weapon they see as being ‘otherworldly’, and leaving verifiable marks, would do far more to convince them, than any other kind of display.

Darwin awards: The funny thing is, I read over and over how some fools go into a bar to rob the joint, often the same bar…only to find out it’s loaded with off duty police officers. It seems that some people just never learn!

Snickerin’ Dave