Review for A Formal Introduction

A Formal Introduction

(#) xXchickenwithatacoXx 2013-07-04

Sam honey, you're beautiful to me. I know, I know, people say that but do they really mean it? Trust me. Trust someone. If you don't have any trust you'll never get out alive. You want to be happy, don't you?

I can't fathom how you feel or what you go through everyday. But in America, there's a girl who feels just as worthless and fucked up. Who needs a friend right now.

You write amazingly. You're pretty. You're funny as fuck. You're mad. You're sad. You're happy too. See, this girl I know. Her name's Sam too. She lives in Canada. I love this girl to fucking bits and I get so upset when she's feeling low.

I promise to the good Lord that I will try to be there for you. Try, as in: I might not have wi-fi where I am, may be working on homework, that sorta shit. But sweetie, believe me, I'm here to help make you better.

Right now, as of July 4th, I have no purpose in life. I'm just an awkward teen train wreck who's got nothing better to do at a family reunion than to talk to kids over the Internet. Not that that's bad. But see, I have no life. I don't want a life.

Maybe my purpose is to be here for others.

When you're feeling shitty, think of me. Think of this, think of my weird discussions with you. Think of something hopeful.

You're not a failure.

A dude once said, The world is ugly but you're beautiful to me. Was he talking about you?

Don't give up. Stay strong. Flip those fuckers off, 'cos fuck it, they have nothing but shit to say.

You've got a kitten in America who's just waiting for you to smile again.