Review for Auuditions??


(#) tmbfucks 2013-07-12

Name: Penina Dayne (in case you didn't know. ;))
Nickname: None, but recently people have been calling me "Peninz" or "Panaynay."
Killjoy Name: ... I can't even remember what it was! Hold on! *Looks up many past auditions, then finds it on my account) Mythomania Danger! That was it. :O
Looks: You know. :)
Outfit: Things I put down in past auditions that I can't remember but probably were badass!
Raygun: The colt but bright blue because blue is amazing!
Likes: Animals, SPN, friends, food (such as chocolate, pizza, chips, fried stuff. You know.) I have a love-hate relationship with crushes on people you see everyday. Does that count?
Dislikes: Insects, douchenozzels, the heat, being wound up on purpose. Like, gosh. What did I even do, you know?
Fears: Spiders, death of loved ones, people that scare you but you don't know why.

Hey! I can't wait for this story. I'm sure it'll be amazing. :) I'm here if you need any help! :D