Review for Auditions:)


(#) AmericanHorrorStory 2013-10-08

Name: Chloe Freeman.

Nickname: Chlo.

Part: Pregnant woman with baby.

Looks (can I have more natural hair in this please? The town they live in is gonna be pretty old-fashioned): Curly sunflower blonde hair that falls to her ribs. Bright blue eyes, naturally suntanned skin. Freckles on her cheeks and nose.

Clothes: If she's not very very very pregnant yet, mainly shorts and sports tops in bright colors. If she's heavily pregnant, then maternity clothes.

Likes: Jogging, sunshine, sports, basketball, blues-y music and painting.

Dislikes: Alcohol, smoking, not being in perfect physical form.

Fears: Miscarriages (obviously), spiders.

Anything Else: She's originally a personal trainer from Sydney, NSW. She moved away at 19 when her brother was killed by a shark.