Review for Truth


(#) Rous 2006-11-27

MWAHAHAHAHAHA! mary sue! I like that. You have my other review, but I could not resist the "mary sue". To quote Hermione,
"What. An. Idiot!"

Love it. Please, write some more mary sues. wipes tears from her eyes Sorry, this is just too much. Love that rating system. Every idiot can now click a button and be a literary critic. The bane of writers everywhere. Go back over to AP where at least the reviews are real. Later.

Author's response

hehe...ur review made me laugh...a lot...and i appreciate the irony of the mary sue writing...and yes Hermione always knows :P

and yes i shall post all my poems at AP and fictionpress...seeing how that's where i really write :P

later days...

and yes i shall write some more mary sues =]