Review for Pretending To Hate

Pretending To Hate

(#) Bronze 2016-02-12

Boy does this girl have her work cut out for her! Before the end of school she'll have to ditch dear cousin Draco and stand on her own. Maybe she could hook up with Harry and get him the hell away from those slim pits the Dursley's! Or even arrange to have them killed so Harry can escape. She seems to be a better and smarter person then any of the Malfoy's or their circle of friends. Though I use the term " FRIENDS " very loosely. I do have to wonder whether or not the old Headbastard truly has any interest in protecting or even helping Harry. Come on! Sending him back to the people who've abused him all his life is just asking for the next Dark Lord! Which just goes to show you how unrealistic the book truly were. Because of his treatment by his relatives Harry should've been a truly dark person. And it would all be blamed on the Headbastard of Hogwarts for placing him there.