Review for The Curse of the Curls

The Curse of the Curls

(#) MMMramen 2006-12-30

By the way, thanks for giving me a messed-up daughter. God.

Bridget's fine, thanks. How could she not? Lucky-" he sneezed and it sounded as if he said "sgc921". That minx seems to be sneaking her way into everyone’s stories.

/Hey, everyone!" Kylene greeted the men who grunted in response. "Peter, you look especially hot tonight," she said.

Don't ask.

"Same to you, you little vixen," he replied. / Perhaps I’m being a tad over protective of my namesake, but I am not at all comfortable with this interaction. I know he likes them young, however this is ridiculous.

Can you ask Kylene if she will babysit Mary Jane next weekend? Bridget and I are invited to a party." My God…Joe named his daughter Mary Jane? I am speechless…yet not that surprised.

There might be some wicked pointage.../might!/

Author's response

Hm, did I overread Bridget's cameos in other people's stories? Educate me! She is a minx.
Yes, ridiculous. I'll pick up on that later.
Yes, I don't mind being lame.