Review for Would You Believe Me If I Said I Didn't Need You?

Would You Believe Me If I Said I Didn't Need You?

(#) FrostedGlass 2007-01-04

"Damn, you two are either going to kill each other or fuck. Can you let me know which when you figure it out so I know if I should hide or sell tickets?" Joe observed with an intrigued look on his face. -> I like Joe.

"Do I even want to know which one you want to watch and which one you don't?" Matt questioned looking past Elyse at the other man. -> I like Matt even better.

Ha ha. That’s so funny about Charlie Brown’s teacher because I was gonna have Kylene say something similar about Sheena. ;)

The little leg-pulling between Molly and Patty-Cakes makes my heart swell with joy.

How cares about the actual FOB story? We own them. :)

Author's response

lol I like Joe too. I definitly get the "one-liner" impression from him in interviews so that's how he gets written (with a little bit of dumb stoner thrown in of course).
Matt is amazing. He is the only character other then the boys that isn't really original. He's based off one of my very best friends whom I adore more then air.
And yea, the goofing between Patrick and Molly makes my life too. Their interaction makes me smile when I write it.
Also, from what I've heard Patrick is a total goofy prankster (loud too) around people he is comfortable with. I didn't wanna write 'shy bumbling all the time patrick' 'cause I don't think its realistic (says the author of the fanfiction about a band she's never met..)
Thanks for reading, your reviews always make me smile.