Review for Goblin Conspiracy

Goblin Conspiracy

(#) Alorkin 2007-01-04

Well, so far, all things are going to plan. Moody is off on a wild snitch chase, Dumbles is irritated that his weapon has gone missing, Hermione isn't telling, and Harry is finally enjoying his life.
Wow! I thought Kiki was bossy! Trellis is a LOT like Molly, while Flip seems to be more like Arthur. ("Yes, dear. Whatever you say, dear...")
I wonder how Ron and Ginny are going to take the news. After all, Harry escaped, and he didn't tell them!
Hopefully, Harry and Hermione will get together soon. They need to go to a movie or something.
Until then, I eagerely await the next page of 'Goblin Cospiracy'. Alorkin