Review for Would You Believe Me If I Said I Didn't Need You?

Would You Believe Me If I Said I Didn't Need You?

(#) MMMramen 2007-01-29

Pointage for you, my lovely Bridget. As always, great chapter. I'm glad Molly finally told Patrick about NYU. It's about time. This little summer tour will be interesting. She might even meet a cute little fellow merch girl named...oh I don't know...Kyle? Kidding, I swear...

Anywho, your description of graduation is very accurate. Mind-numbingly boring, hence why it is seldom remembered. Well, I don't remember mine...but for different reasons.

Author's response

don't worry dahling, you shall have your day in the sun. ;) high school graduation I slept through. My college graduation I think I might have still been drunk when it started and was most definitly hung over by the time it was time to get my diploma.
not pleasent. lol