Review for Black Vengeance - 1

Black Vengeance - 1

(#) cjonbloodletter 2007-02-08

Sorry, I haven't reviewed in a while. I've been tinkering around with my new DLP account( In case you didn't know thats a fanfiction forum site) The story's still going strong. I'm sill not going either way with the Harry/ Hemione, Harry/ Cho debate as I don' think you've put enough personality into either of the characters yet of make me grow fond of them yet. The idea/ premise(couldn't decide between the two words so I didn't)is still intriging. I hope to see more action soon.
Keep Writing,
Cjon the Bloodletter
Conqueror of the Dark Realms

Author's response

Please do not apologise; there is no need. Based on the number of votes, the ship is going to be Harry/Hermione. Thanks for your encouragement and opinion, and thanks for reading and reviewing.