Review for ***Vote Matt!

***Vote Matt!

(#) horsie890 2007-03-01

Just on the off chance that I confused you about the Congress thing (hopefully I didn't, and please don't take this the wrong way and think I'm insulting you here), I live in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. So our government is much more confusing and utterly useless than the British one.
I think Switzerland really has it all figured out, though. I like cheese. And chocolate. And one dipped in the other...
What was I saying?
Ah. Yes. Switzerland.
M4PREZ if it was here. Maybe he could run for both offices at once. I couldn't tell you how many people would be happy about that.

Author's response

Your government is even more useless than the one in the UK?...god, you're screwed-lol! Our's is pathetic! Hm...chocolate! I'm going to a Swizz chocolate factory soon, i can't wait! I love switzerland! :)