Review for the pink freak speaks

the pink freak speaks

(#) MCR_dynamite 2007-03-16

Take as long as you want/need, it's well worth the wait!

My sister's birthday is on the 6th of April, so it's really cool, I'll be like: Oh, it's Gerard Ways birthday soon! And she'll be like: It's mine sooner! And I'll be like: So? It's amost Gerard's Freakin' Birthday!!!

Lol, oh yeah, and sorry about the rant on the last chapter!

MCR fans rock!

People who diss them suck! Love you XxX

Author's response

cheyeah, my mom's like ooh krissy, it almost your b-day! and i'm like: yeah,that means it's almost gerard's birthday! and she's all, "ger...oh! my 'future son-in-law'?" and i'm like, "umm, yeah." really she knows almost every member of the band now! that's cool ur sister is an april baby too! thanks ok, about the ranting, after all you read me doing it, so... luv. k