Review for Re-Ordered


(#) BJH 2007-03-19

As for Luna, somehow I doubt just ignoring the problem and healing Luna will solve the problem. I have a feeling you will let it fester a bit and then a vision/prophecy so strong will happen that Luna can't block it. Will she kill herself trying? Or will she feel guilty thinking her prophecy will bring it to reality?

I'm curious to see what happens with the magic strap-ons, it could be a stimulating scene to read, not to mention rendering Harry even less important to the more Sapphicly inclined ladies. Will his male ego come into play? Or will he accept that 1 does not go into 5 evenly?

Now Voldie has a stronger soul than before and two new Horcruxes. Hmm, will the goblins find one when they raid the caves? And where will Tommy hide the other?

I'll just have to tune in to the next chapter to find out.


Author's response

No, the strap-ons won't be shown. Think of them as a way for Harry to get some rest.

The next chapter will show what I think of Voldemort's brains -- plenty of book learning, but too much ego!
