Review for Oh How Wrong We Were To Think...

Oh How Wrong We Were To Think...

(#) MCR_dynamite 2007-03-19

Dear, 'best writer in the world' (I just read the reviews), are you fucking retarded or something? This story's awesome and I'm not happy about your review at all. If you didn't like it, why? Explain, give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism!

You don't just tell someone that their story's bad when it isn't!

Go to hell! And if you really WAS the best writer in the world, then you'd recognise brilliant writing when you read it! And this is fucking AWESOME!

I'm supporting this story and this author, and if you can't then just don't read it. If you don't like it, then forget about it. People like me who love this story and WANT to read it will, but people like YOU who'd rather tell someone that their story sucks when it rocks, are the kind of people that I really dislike and you should keep your noses out of it!

I think that you, 'best writer in the world' are the fucking three year old here!