Review for Threads


(#) Maldoror 2006-05-31

You had me from the intro. Sasuke taking over Sound? That's just so perfect, I wish I'd thought of it first (dammit). Since Sasuke is basically a fairly nice guy beneath the sneer and the obsession, I can well imagine him starting to care about Sound. Though if asked, he'd claim it was only a power-base to use against Itachi, no more, and then he'd go off and sulk a bit.

Yeah, a more unlikely threesome I can't imagine, but well pulled off. The characters are spot-on (or feel that way, though I can't say I've studied Kidomaru any in the series). The shaping plot looks interesting, the tone is fun and readable. Me like a lot ^_^

And the whole 3-nation conference and the characters involved...oh man, I really want to read THAT story. Really really really ^_^ Just the glimpses of character interaction (with or without attempted homicide) was so interesting...

Couple of minor spelling mistakes. 'insanely shy Hyuuga women' should be woman, and 'they had another thing coming' should be think.

Author's response

I love the idea of him being snarky and sulking if someone accused him of actually being fond of the weird screwed-up denizens of Hidden Sound. grin

And yes, the three of them are crack to the enth power (whereas you've convinced me that LeeGaa is canon, dammit!), but so fun to write (especially Kankuro, he practically writes himself). I may do a bit of revision to the first chapter to make the whole "getting together" process more viable, but I'm very, very glad you like.

Really? Hmmm, I may have to write a side-story then (although there will be a three-way interaction scene between the two Kages and Sasuke in one of the later chapters). ^___^

Spelling mistakes all present and corrected, captain! salutes