Review for The Mistake

The Mistake

(#) hips-n-hearts86 2007-03-30

GAH! I can't believe my dear that someone reviewed before me UGH! LOL but I guess thats what pay backs are huh

lol anywho onto my review...OMG WTF! LOL why couldn't they just rip off all their clothes and get it on in a hospital bed..Patrick didn't seem to mind to much LOL and I'm SURE it wouldn't of been TO TOO bad lol...and the whole discovering Mathew...very coy my dear friend very coy...

Ah, and of course...Hmmm I wonder WHO Patrick phoned to see who Ava maybe staying with..this has me very interested lol

Definetly worth the wait! lol your not online right now so I can gab your ear off so I will just text you later! WOOT!!! SOO HAPPY!!!

Author's response

Well, I guess this time you just weren't fast enough... lol. And I wish they would just hury up and rip their clothes off too, but I just don't think that either of them are THAT forward. Oh well... I have no idea who Ava will be staying with. lol. If you have any clue please let me know because that's coming up fairly soon. ;) Oh, and PS, you're like, never online anymore! What's up with that?