Review for Grab my hand and you wont be alone

Grab my hand and you wont be alone

(#) CrazyBoyxTinkleFish 2007-04-16

aww i really like this story.. everyones so nice to her, it gives me warm fuzzies and all that jazz.. and it makes me wanna move in with the ways o.0 hahaha youre a really good writer.. i love all your other stories too ^__^
can i be gerards girlfriend? swoons
ive got shoulder lengthish blondey/browney hair (if that makes sense haha) my nose and belly button pierced, 3 piercings in each ear and 2 tattoos (a bat on my lower back and 3 small pink hearts on my left rib) and im getting a blue trinity knot on my shoulder on the 1st of june!! is uber excited but yeah.. even if i dont get in the story im still gonna read.. i like it lots thumbs up