Review for Would You Believe Me If I Said I Didn't Need You?

Would You Believe Me If I Said I Didn't Need You?

(#) MMMramen 2007-04-23

It's interesting how twisted you are. You give me hope (i.e. Momma seems unusually warm and affectionate, Rick didn't seem like a complete cunt) and then you rip the carpet right out from under me. (Momma dies, Rick continues to slap Molly around.) I liked how Pete doesn't stand for Molly's BS and tells her how it is. He's oddly protective of Patty Cakes. That's hot. And I'm quite surprised that Molly grew some balls( or perhaps brains) and kicked that jerkface to the curb. But I don't think he'll go that easily. And if he does, awesome. Point...again.

Author's response

darling you don't know the half of how twisted I can be.
(oh and I forgot to smack you for basically calling yourself not a good writer in the last review so smack)
Pete definitely doesn't stand for Molly's BS (mainly cause he doesn't want her to go down the road is she/was going down) & it is how how protective he is of Patrick.
and yea, Rick's gone.