Review for This Isn't What You Wanted.

This Isn't What You Wanted.

(#) MMMramen 2007-05-03

Oh. My. Gawd. Katy! I'm elated that Ayla FINALLY met her daddy. But I'm so sad that it's over. Here is a little list I compiled in honoUr of you and your awesome writing.

1. Ayla and her search for "Patrick." I thought you meant the biscuit, not the starfish. I was like "um...he wouldn't fit in a shoe cupboard." HA! I giggled.

2. Michael grew up. Deep down, I think he's a good man. I loved how you portrayed him as the enemy, but in the end, he wasn't so bad.

3. I love, love, LOVE how Pete just automatically falls in love with his little girl. It seemed so effortless and natural. But he was still rough around the edges as far as being "dad-ly."

4. And I'm sure everyone is going to gush about the proposal. And I am no different. Awwwwwww! That was so beautiful! I think I was tearing up. I love how you wrap your stories up in a pretty little bow. Katy, you are fucking awesome. And you have no reason to apologize for this ending. None at all. Enjoy your point and my undying envy of your writing.