Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > drunk and telling the truth

drunk and telling the truth

by MCRfanLOVESgerard 1 review

Frerard: Frank and gerard get drunk and tell the truth about their feelings for eachother.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-06-18 - Updated: 2008-06-18 - 437 words

~Gerard’s POV~

“oh, look who it is. Gerard gay and the short one” they shouted at me and frank. This happened every day whenever they saw us together. One of them had found out that I was gay and come to the conclusion that frank was as well. They also thought we were dating (I wish). I knew frank wasn’t gay and if he was he wouldn’t go for someone like me.

~Frank’s POV~

I really need to sort out the feelings I’ve got for Gerard. He’s my best friend; I spend every day with him and right now its torture. I think I love him. I know he’s gay as well but he would never want me.
“Stupid fucktards” hissed Gerard after we passed the idiots everyone looks up to.
“Frankie, do want come to mine after school tonight?” he asked
“Yeah, sounds good to me”

~#later on#~
~Gerard’s POV~

The bell just went so me and Frankie walked down to meet Mikey by my car. Mikey is the only one that knows about my feelings for Frankie. I swear that kid knows me to well. He guessed, I have no idea how but he figured it out. He thinks i should tell him but there is no way that is happening.
When we got to my house me and frank went straight down to my basement bedroom.
“So Frankie, want to watch a movie or something?”
“Yeah, let’s watch this” he said pulling the first DVD on the shelf out. It was Cinderella.
“It’s a kids film but okay then” I said as I put it in the DVD player.
I laid back on my bed and watched the film. Frankie laid down next to me and gradually got closer until he was laying with my arm round him. If you didn’t know Frankie you would freak out but i realised a long time ago that this was just part of Frankie (not that I minded).

~franks POV~

I know I really shouldn’t do this but it’s the closest I can get right now.
“Hey Frankie, since it’s a Friday why don’t you stay here tonight and we can have a drink?”
“I’ll stay what have you got to drink?”
“Vodka” he said pulling the bottle out from under the bed.
Gerard took a sip from the bottle and handed it to me.

~told in 3rd person~

After about an hour Gerard and Frank were both drunk and not in control of what they were doing or saying.
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